Olivier 在高科技领域建立国际业务方面拥有 20 多年的经验。
Armed with a Computer Engineering degree from McGill University and a finance background, Olivier traveled the world from an early age to discover how business can use technology to bridge cultures and protect our planet. Through his work experience in Canada, Europe and Asia, Olivier is well positioned to create sustainable partnerships globally and help businesses and governments reach their carbon emission targets. Three times intrapreneur, once to bring to Asia an affordable diagnostic instrument for detecting infectious diseases, then to help airlines reduce their fuel consumption, and lastly to increase energy efficiency of buildings, Olivier is not afraid to tackle new problems.
Olivier 回到他的家乡蒙特利尔,创立了 Gamotech,并通过创新解决气候变化的紧迫问题。 Olivier 善于沟通,能说流利的法语、英语、意大利语、西班牙语和中文。他的愿景是通过开发零排放电气化解决方案来大幅减少市政工程和商业维护中的碳排放。
Guillaume 毕业于设计和可持续发展专业的机械工程硕士学位,在高科技领域拥有超过 5 年的经验。
Guillaume 在蒙特利尔建立公司运营方面发挥了重要作用,我们的行政、研发和装配中心就位于蒙特利尔。
Marc Feng Guohai
Marc 在移动电源装置以及其他机电技术的设计方面拥有 16 年的经验。
Marc 是一位关键人物,他将我们最初的想法从绘图板带入了可以大幅减少碳排放的真实产品。